Friday, January 20, 2012

Aging Gracefully

My youngest son plays tennis. From the very first time he picked up a racket, he looked like he belonged on a tennis court. Poor kid has two parents who are not athletic. His dad could be but I was born with two left feet! Despite my desire, and many attempts, I've yet to find a sport where I am actually competent. Therefore, I compromise.

About 10 years ago now, I started having lots of trouble with my body giving out. It didn't help that I was carrying around too much weight. So, I began to exercise. Anything that involves dancing or rhythm is really not my thing, but I found if I could do it without anyone else watching, I at least got a good workout!

Lately, I've been using Wii fitness. Pretty neat stuff. There's still a part of me that things I'm having too much fun for this to actually be good for me. However, I'm moving the moveable parts of my body and that appears to be a major component of aging gracefully.

Most of us have poundage that we want to shed. We look different, we feel different, we act differently than when we were young and svelte. But the truth of the matter is, fat is almost impossible to get rid of once it's on. For those of you who doubt me, try being fat for awhile. (almost is a key word here)

I'm not making excuses. It is what it is. What I would like to get across is this: I don't care how overweight you are, to live fully, you must move. And yes, that often means in front of other people who will laugh at you if you jiggle while you jog, or second guess your bathing suit choices. Doesn't matter. If there's something I've learned from the older ladies at the gym, it's we all age. Those of us who move more and care less about the pointing and laughing get to live longer, and be happy while we're living, one of the byproducts of exercise.

There are a few people I've been privileged to know that amaze me at their level of athleticism even into their 60's, 70's, and above! Although I'm not an athlete, I hope that the work I'm doing now will keep me from becoming part of the chair. Give it some thought!

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