Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Intelligence of the Natural World

During my mother's life I can remember her talking about an earthquake that would separate the US down the middle, and one that would make California fall into the ocean. This morning, that doesn't seem like such a sci-fi scare tactic.
A 4.5 magnitude earthquake struck around 2:30 am between TULSA and OKLAHOMA CITY! What the hell?
We are used to Spring flooding so bad that you can navigate easier by boat than car. I've seen tornadoes wipe out complete cities. The last few years we've had blizzards and enough snow to make Colorado jealous. But earthquakes? This is a new one. It leaves me wondering, "What exactly is happening to our planet?" and "Are we misunderstanding possible intelligence of natural forces?"
At first, I wondered if my awareness of natural disasters and their seeming increase should be attributed to the explosion of media awareness. Our television rarely misses a day, I'm online most days, it's difficult to miss big national or world events. Now, it seems fairly obvious that something significant is happening and that a paradigm shift has begun.
Call it a flight of fancy, but do you suppose it's possible that Mother Nature is fighting back? The Earth's population recently reached 7 billion. Despite natural disasters wiping out significant numbers of humans, we still continue to proliferate. Viruses, insects, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, cancer...and our population is still growing. I'm waiting for the tipping point, where the natural world forces us to live in homeostasis with our surroundings lest we be obliterated. Are we there?

1 comment:

  1. Another earthquake! This one we felt! The biggest one in Oklahoma's history. Needless to say, it's been very exciting here in the heartland.
